New Goal Setting System

New Goal Setting System

By Chris Beane

We've explored why S.M.A.R.T. Goals often fall short and discussed key elements needed for a successful goal-setting framework. So, what’s next? Enter V.I.S.I.O.N.A.R.Y. Goals—a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to goal setting.
If hard work or success intimidates you, it’s okay to step away now. Success isn’t for everyone, and that’s fine. But if you're ready to commit, to put in the effort, and to embrace growth, this is for you. Let’s dive into what V.I.S.I.O.N.A.R.Y. stands for:

V - Visualize Success

Create a clear mental image of your success. Picture it vividly and frequently to keep your goals in sharp focus.

I - Integrate Your Values

Align your goals with your core values. This ensures that your pursuits are meaningful and fulfilling.

S - Set Your Why

Define the specific and meaningful reasons behind your goals. Knowing your “Why” fuels motivation and persistence.

I - Instill Affirmations

Develop positive affirmations to reinforce belief and positivity. Regularly repeating these affirmations strengthens your resolve.

O - Organize Daily Practices

Establish daily practices that contribute directly to your goals. Consistent, small steps lead to significant progress.

N - Navigate Weekly Check-Ins

Schedule regular reviews to celebrate achievements, analyze progress, and make necessary adjustments. This keeps you on track and motivated.

A - Anticipate Obstacles

Visualize potential challenges and plan how to overcome them. Being prepared for setbacks helps you navigate them more effectively.

R - Reveal Comfort Zone Stretching

Identify actions that push you outside your comfort zone. Growth happens when you challenge yourself.

Y - Yield to Adaptability

Be open to adjusting goals and strategies based on circumstances. Flexibility is key to navigating the unpredictability of life.
This process may seem involved, but it addresses many of the shortcomings of traditional goal-setting methods. In the next article, I’ll share practical examples of how you can implement this V.I.S.I.O.N.A.R.Y. system in your life.