Jim Marshall

Jim Marshall

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Join us in this thought-provoking episode of The Prestigious Initiative as we unravel the world of Septemics with Mr. Jim Marshall, a polymathic scholar and Human Development Engineer. Discover the power of Septemics in personal growth and gain insights into Jim's fascinating journey of self-discovery.

Before Septemics

A poem by Jim Marshall
If one can split the atom, and harness it for peace of war,
What riches must await one behind one’s own cerebral door?
If one could measure wishes, dissect them and preserve them well,
What barrier could stop one, no human mind could hope to tell,
There must be a Way…
Traveling by night, groping for ten thousand years,
Deaf, dumb and blind, wading through madness and fears,
Some chosen few searching for path still unknown,
Seem to have found some secret route of their own,
There must be a Way…
The psychiatric scalpel imbedded in a living brain,
Has only served to show us: there’s more to Man than blood in vein,
The ancient myths and legends of sacred lore and mystery,
Have shaken our belief in the narrative of history,
There must be a Way…
Where can we turn? Science has led us astray;
Who can we trust not to exploit or betray?
Surely we sense: all of the pieces must fit,
How I don’t know, but this much I will submit:
There must be a Way.